COCC Meeting Minutes – February 2022

Date: 2/10/2022
Time: 7:30 pm
Facilitator: Sandy Ericksen
In Attendance
Sandy Ericksen
Hope Edmondson
Dan Sherer
Cassie Ramsay
Lori Bulla
Polina Blossman
Jennifer Romanick – Attendance
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from January meeting will be updated and sent out for approval this week.
Committee Seats
YTD and January 2022
• Revenues were favorable to budget by $86
• Expenses were favorable for the month by $5,584
o Landscaping and Security expenses have not posted ($5,157 budgeted)
• Total income for the month was favorable by $5,671
Profits and Losses YTD
• As a comparison to budget, for the month we have $24,161 in Gross Revenue, $2,906 in Total Expenses, after deprecation COCC has Net Income of $21,091.
Accounts Receivable
• There are $17,333 in assessments and late fees due to COCC that are from 2021 and prior from 19 residents. This is anyone that owes more than $370
• There are $24,020 in 2022 assessments from 70 residents

*As of this meeting we have received more HOA dues so approximately 60 residence owe 2022 dues. There has also been communication from some residence to communicate their intentions to send in the owed dues.
Pool Report
The pool has one membership. Lori is recommending buying chemicals in bulk for the year. She will be doing some comparison in pricing to select best deal. As we move out of pandemic mode, Lori expects to have requests for Pavilion rentals. As we look at the price of chemicals and the possible large increase in cost, Lori is recommending increasing Pavilion rental fees. More chemicals are used around large parties.
Sandy is recommending that in anticipation of Pavilion rentals we should plan for the Pavilion flooring. This project has more urgency due to the possible social event in March. Inquiry in the possibility for a cement pad in lieu of replacing/repairing wood flooring.
Plan of action is to investigate the subflooring to determine if it is stable. After we identify possible issues we will communicate about plan of action and decide on materials as well as location.
Charlie’s garden has been affected by the recent freeze. It appears the flowers were lost. The backflow preventor busted because of the freeze and was leaking water. We are facing replacement of the backflow preventor and vegetation in Charlies Garden.
Our hired landscape help is keeping up with cleaning the shared areas but no grass is growing.
We have not had luck contacting SMC – Sonya Chavez for landscaping bid.
Deed Restrictions
Completed recent deed restriction drive on February 6, 2022. Paulina is working on letters and will have to Sandy to send out next week.
Auto left on Fallen Oaks and witnessed on ring cameras. We have not had any cars or parts of cars stolen recent past. We do not have any home burglaries or violent crimes. Hope has done an accounting of visits after noticing there was a gap in reports being turned. Hope is reaching out to the security company to request the missing reports but suspect the gap in receipt is due to a new security officer who may not know the parodical. However, Hope has received recent and ongoing reports.
Acorn Newsletter
March is the next newsletter distribution. March is the last paper copy and then we will go to a digital copy.
1. Jennifer is recommending the board meeting notes are reported on website in lieu of the using the newsletter to report the information.
2. Jennifer is recommending we publicize neighbor stories: awards, neighbor events, birthdays
3. Jennifer would like to share what is going on in the area – social etc.
4. Create an email for acorn data – Paulina setting up
5. Have a calendar of events
6. Security report = Hope has volunteered to provide data
7. Create a link on Facebook to go to acorn on website
Paulina and Jennifer have agreed to work on the website and setting up email.
Categories for newsletter are security, social, pool, and neighbor updates.
The board discussed creating a parental release of child content to be posted digital acorn (such as pictures of the child).
Who is the admin for Facebook – Jennifer is requesting that Paulina, Jennifer and Cassie will be a media team to add content to the page. Lori would like to stop her role as a administrator. Notification to Elizabeth will be made shortly. Paulina, Jennifer and Cassie will meet soon to discuss all of the above topics.
March Newsletter – should include Poll of HOA spend, change to digital format and introduction of the new format including submit your news.
Board agrees to a March social event with a food truck. This will be a good opportunity to present acorn changes and request for information.
Follow Up
1. Pavilion structure investigation and next steps
2. Acorn, website and Facebook updates/development
3. Assess pool chemical cost and possible increase to pavilion rental fees
4. Follow up on Security missing reports
5. Follow up on SMC landscaping company for bid
Next Meeting
March 10, 2022 / 7:30, Zoom
Meeting ended 9 pm