Meeting attendees 02_09_2017: Officer Burton, Darilene Bonnet, Blanco Gonzalez, Michael Kuhnen, Sandy Ericksen, Trenton Kelley, Marilyn Harper, AD Koen, Richard Solis, Lori Perjak
The meeting began promptly at 7:38pm
Security – A handout of previous months’ SEAL incidents was given to all who attended the meeting. A gray pit bull dog has made an attack toward a neighborhood child. The child is ok. The incident happened near the intersection of Spring Forest Dr. and Bolivia Blvd. inside Candlelight Oaks Village. Please take caution.
Finance – The HOA is 30K short of the dues collection that is anticipated for this year. Approximately 130 residents had paid their dues as of the Feb. meeting. Late notices are to be distributed on March 1. A letter is also to be sent to notify residents of the need to raise HOA dues to $400 per year. A cost projection and specific reasons are planned to be included in the letter to residents.
Landscaping – Cost cutting measures are being investigated in regard to mowing costs.
Deed Restrictions – A drive through is planned for February 18 to seek any deed restriction violations in the neighborhood.
Social – An Easter Egg hunt in the community pool area is being planned for April 15 which is the day before Easter Sunday. On Friday April 14, families will supply 2 dozen plastic eggs for each child filled with a child’s treat. Suggested items are coins and candy. Signage at the entrances/exits of the neighborhood is being investigated to notify more residents.
Records – are being stored
The meeting closed at 8:37pm