Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting — February 8, 2018
ATTENDANCE: Sandy Ericksen, Amelie Fredland (by phone), Jill Prado Salyers, Trenton Kelley, Darilene Bonnet, Michel Kuhnen, Richard Solis, AD Koen. ABSENT: Darin Lee. Residents: Marilyn Jo Harper. Guests: SEAL Officer Bonsey
Sandy Ericksen: President
Amelie Fredland: Vice-President , Deed Restrictions Support
Jill Prado Salyers: Treasurer / Financial
Charles Bowman: Asst. to Treasurer / Financial
Darilene Bonnet: Secretary
Lori Bulla: Pool Committee Chair
Richard Solis: Social Chair, Acorn Support
A.D. Koen: Security Committee Chair
Michael Kuhnen: Deed Restrictions Chair, Long-Range Planning
Darin Lee: Landscaping Chair
*Marilyn Jo Harper: Acorn Editor 2018
At 7:35PM, our regular Board meeting was called to order by Sandy Ericksen. Sandy offered to put a copy of the SEAL report in Amelie’s (on speakerphone) mail box.
SEAL presented the January 2018 Incident Report. The most reported incidents had to do with suspicious vehicles/ people, an incident of cardiac arrest of a long time resident on Fallen Oaks who passed away, a non-resident roommate had an incident on Jan 9, at the same address as the last incident and it was reported he had been apprehended and the vacant home on Oak Trails had “activity” noted in the SEAL report, home is in the process of being remodeled. SEAL was asked if there was something being done about the home on Oak Haven that has been vacant for several years; SEAL said a management company is now in charge. No real crimes reported.
and the board discussed a non-resident at the playground who had said that the “patrol” had said it was OK to be there and that he was there regularly. How do we (security) want to handle non-Residents visiting our playground? Signs are posted and Trespassing Citation’s can be issued by SEAL. SEAL was asked if they can ask for the person’s ID; it depends on the visitor will produce it or not, was the answer. If not, the visitor is asked to leave. Also suggested was, SEAL to take pictures, to deter these visitors.
TREASURER REPORT: By Jill, stated that 175 homes (of 282) are completely paid up to COCC; 17 of the ones who are not are actively paying and have a balance below the $360.00, or they have paid something since December. We have 90 homes still due for payment (approx.. $32,000). Marilyn asked if any of the outstanding homes have taken out payment plans, response was 17 homes; Jill will look to see the actual payment plan for each.. Sandy stated that some of the homes are vacant (how many unknown here), some mail was returned (how many unknown here), some homes have been sold (how many unstated), so we have a “lot of hard work to do”, per Sandy. Jill is trying to go through the accounts to see who has paid and not paid. Proledge will now send out late notices to all past due. “Those who are 2 years past due, will be sent a final demand letter, to which they must respond.” After 2-3 weeks, these Past Due Accounts go to the attorney. There was a brief discussion about the Proledge invoices in December, which took 10 days to arrive at the Residences by USPS.
POOL COMMITTEE: We have one membership for this year, as of today. April Acorn will be a perfect time to promote the pool; Lori will provide the article and place forms at the pool gate entrance. Decision: Sandy motioned to purchase 3 picnic tables immediately, which was seconded and voted yes. (We can purchase them at Lowes for under $100.00/each. Also, there was a decision to purchase new commercial lawn chair at season’s end (July-September) in order to save money. The Gate Reader repair person will be scheduled by Lori and the missing tiles will be glued by Richard. Leslies is used for pool supplies and we have service with Z-Wear, Inc. which has liability insurance and a 1099 and provides pool maintenance and service to keep the pool clean.
DEED RESTRICTIONS: Amelia sent out approx. 40 DR Letters (usually mail boxes and mold and mildew). Marilyn mentioned that when driving through the neighborhood, how different volunteers notice different thing, such as inoperable vehicles. Gill Daoust is working on a small booklet of Deed Restrictions for residents. Also, need to explain to residents how to report to the Board violations/complains/questions such as trailer and trash in driveways, for example. Four Sections have different restrictions. (trailer). Darilene mentioned the point of being sensitive to those homes who may have been flooded and need still to have storage and trailers parked in their driveways. NOTE: We need to set up an email for residents to send complaints to the Board/Deed Restriction violations, as we now have for the Treasurer. Amelie is responsible to set this up. Marilyn and Michael will work on the process for residents to register a complaint about Deed Restriction concerns.
LANDSCAPING: The Iron Gate teardown needs to be addressed; do we tear it down or repair it will be asked of Ray. A $100.00 has already been approved for its removal. Further discussion needs to take place based on best solution considering pool exposure without this fence, safety concerns and costs to repair or replace. Michael will follow-up with Ray and discuss at next meeting.
RECORDS: Sandy said that that a bag of “trophies” was left on her doorstep from an undisclosed source.
SOCIAL: Richard spoke to a neighbor regarding the Easter Egg Hunt, MARCH 31, and confirm he will take photos again. This resident also gave Richard some LARGE photos that he took to give to residents who were in the photos (with Santa). Richard will make and pass out Easter Egg Hunt flyers. Memorial Day will be Splash Day and opening of the pool.
Board discussed the need to repair/ find a solution for the gate adjacent to the parking lot where cars drive up to park, to deter unwanted foot traffic of non-residents Need to determine who administers a new gate with a code and cost of this gate. Question is, do we lock it or not, discussed by Marilyn. Another idea was to set up a Web Cam and monitor traffic for a week to study the traffic or ask SEAL to monitor from their patrol car the playground by attaching a Web Cam to a computer. (may cost additional). Need to explore another type of playground fencing, instead of the white picket fence. Suggestion was to split the cost between pool & landscaping budget. A reminder was that a membership fee is charged to maintain the gates, codes, repairs, etc. Richard stated we will study gate options for the entrance into the playground fence, the budget, cost of a fence, have Ray look at the pool access fence/primary fence to see if post can be fixed (to have better security) and determine if feasible for us to pay for a new fence/gate. Also, have SEAL be more diligent. Richard will take measurements and report back to Board and repair picket fence by early March!
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 9:17PM.