COCC Meeting Minutes – September 2023

Meeting of Sandy, Dan, John and Johanna on 9/11/23
1. Consult attorney with questions – Sandy, done. Responses shared with Lori, (note
from Johanna – distribute to this group and board prior to upcoming meeting?)
2. Identify ACC members and board members
a. ACC – Ginny, Jim Smithson, Richard Solis
b. Board – Aaron, Sien, Justin – Johanna to contact Aaron
3. Research assessments for comparable neighborhoods
a. Johanna has talked to Ginny and Amelie. They’ve provided assessment amounts, but I
went back Ginny to request HCAD appraisal averages for neighborhoods, current selling
prices. She’ll be back to me within 2-3 weeks
4. Draft new bylaws – not assigned, delayed to later date
5. Recruit volunteers per section to assist with promoting assessment increase – TBD
6. Talking points re: raising rates – need to flesh this out and promote via FB and to prepare
a. Less than 10% of residents currently do not pay assessment
b. Once assessment increase is determined, need to determine If same non payment
continues or increases to 15% what will available budget be
7. Determine cost to outsource pool upkeep – Sandy to research
8. Plan at least one major project in next year – John to coordinate tree project, will require
irrigation (see below). Dan managing pool shed/shower project
9. Update from NNMD – Sandy to talk to Wayne

Wishlist discussed
1. Pump and Chemical sheds – approved at Sept. meeting, Dan project managing
2. Pavilion
3. Irrigation – for Tidwell median
4. New pool furniture (likely has a 4-5 year lifespan)
5. Shower fence – approved at Sept. meeting, Dan project managing
6. Pool fence
7. Bolivia fence
8. Automatic gate for pool (will reduce need for providing cards annually)
9. 2 nd pavilion
10. Blacktop road to pool
11. Rehab bathroom
(Note from Johanna – very pool focused, need to consider adding items for non-pool users.)
Discussion of adding pool fee to assessment for one price
At following full board meeting, discussed NOT pursuing the COH matching grant this year until we have
clearer picture from NNMD and due to costs associated with pool sheds and shower upgrades.